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The Art of Embroidered Flowers by Gilda Baron

The Art of Embroidered Flowers by Gilda Baron

13,60 €

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Artikelnummer: SP-1522

EAN: 9781782215226

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Explore nature through a combination of textiles and embroidery

Explore nature through a combination of textiles and embroidery in this new, modernised edition of Gilda Baron’s inspirational, innovative, step-by-step work.

Using painted and dyed backgrounds, and hand and machine embroidery, this guide presents a wonderful variety of three dimensional landscape and flower embroideries. A number of techniques are employed when applying colour to the fabric including batik, salt discharge and brushing dye into a wet surface.

Beautiful pictures are then stitched and built up over the background in easy stages. The feeling of perspective is enhanced by the clever use of scale and colour, and all the techniques are explained clearly and demonstrated in a series of stunning projects.

This original book is packed with practical advice and information. Anyone interested in pattern, texture and colour will discover a wealth of inspiration when they work through the projects.
These highly individual designs will encourage beginners and more experienced embroiderers to create their own embroidered flower designs.

About the author: Gilda Baron trained at the London College of Fashion and spent some time working in the fashion industry as a pattern cutter and designer. She went on to lecture in fashion and crafts and was a well-respected textile artist, regularly contributing to magazines, exhibiting her work and selling to galleries. She gave lectures and workshops for embroiderers’ groups and guilds, demonstrating her love of fabric and embroidery and sharing her enthusiasm with people everywhere. Gilda passed away in 2015.

Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere weiteren Bücher zum Thema Sticken, sowie die passenden Stickgarne.

Hersteller: Search Press, Wellwood, North Farm Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3DR, GB,

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