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Crocheted Wreaths for the Home by Anna Nikipirowicz

Crocheted Wreaths for the Home by Anna Nikipirowicz

18,- €

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Artikelnummer: SP-0694

EAN: 9781782216940

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12 gorgeous wreaths and 12 matching mini projects for all year round

Wreaths are not just for Christmas - they can be used to decorate your home all year round! Anna Nikipirowicz shows you how to create sumptuous crocheted wreaths and other decorations that will grace your home and look beautiful, whatever the season.

There is a wide variety to choose from, including spring, summer, autumn and winter wreaths plus a gorgeous succulents wreath and Easter, Halloween and Christmas wreaths. These lovely yarny creations are festooned with flowers, leaves and other decorations such as birds, owls, pumpkins, stars, bunnies and foxes. If you love the look but don’t want to make an entire wreath, Anna also includes other smaller decorations such as garlands and terrariums.

There are also three delightful tiny wreaths to make, featuring a hedgehog, a mouse and a robin. Each main project has a smaller accompanying project to make, and if you love crochet, you’ll love Anna’s imaginative designs.

About the author: Anna Nikipirowicz was taught to knit and crochet as a child by her very talented mother, but without practice, the skills were quickly forgotten. In 2005 she rediscovered her skills and an obsession was born. In 2014 she started designing and selling her patterns, and her designs are regularly featured in craft magazines. Anna is a keen blogger and runs her website where she shares her love of knitting and crochet. Anna is also a workshop tutor, teaching knitting and crochet across the UK. She has published four books with Search Press, and her Crocheted Wreaths for the Home (Search Press, 2020) is a bestseller.
Anna lives in Hertfordshire with her husband Dave and two cats, Ollie and Brick.

Crocheted Wreaths for the Home von Anna Nikipirowicz im Überblick:

  • Grundanleitung Häkeln und Einführung
  • 12 Modelle zum nacharbeiten
  • ausführliche, bebilderte Anleitungen
  • farbige Charts
  • für Anfänger*innen und Fortgeschrittene

  • mit Materialkunde
  • viele schöne Anwendungsideen
  • 96 Seiten, 20,4× 26cm, Softcover

Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere weiteren Bücher zum Thema Häkeln, sowie die passenden Garne.

Hersteller: Search Press, Wellwood, North Farm Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3DR, GB,

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